What contributed to the increase in the number of code lines were the low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API. 造成代码行数量增长的原因是由于DOMAPI的低级特性、对方法和编程样式不正确的应用以及对整个API缺乏了解。
Still, even with the workarounds in place, a relatively small number of code changes were required. 即使有了适当的变通方案,仍然需要对代码做相对少量的改动。
The actual number of code points in a DBCS might be less. DBCS中代码点的实际数目可能要少一些。
Once I have the handleDefaultParameters method, I can significantly reduce the number of code lines ( and the cyclomatic complexity) of the original. 有了handleDefaultParameters方法后,就可以大大减少原有代码的行数(以及圈复杂度)。
I worked on the words, because you can use a word as a key in a number code. 我研究本上的文字,因为你可以利用文字作为解开数字密码的钥匙。
As I have said, it was a number code. 以前说过,这是数字暗码。
It seemed to be a number code, where groups of numbers replace letters. 看起来用的是数字密码,用一组组数字代表字母。
Baud Rate The speed of data transmission in serial data communications approximately equal to the number of code elements ( bits) per second ( BPS). 波特率串行数据传输速率,约等于每秒钟传输的比特数。
Evolutionary Structural Optimization Using Self-adaptive Parameters A Novel Function Optimization Algorithm Using Float Point Number Code 基于自适应参数的渐进结构优化方法一种自适应免疫记忆多克隆进化算法
Based on clonal selection principle, a novel function optimization algorithm is proposed using float point number code. 基于免疫系统的克隆选择机制,提出一种用于函数优化的改进免疫克隆算法。
Please include your telephone number area code. 请注明电话地区编号。
Enter the chassis number and code with the f8. 输入底盘号并按f8键进行编码。
Based on real number code, it proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize the MTSP. 为了得到多旅行商问题的优化路线,提出一种基于实数编码的混合遗传算法。
Adaptive multi-objective discrete differential evolution A Novel Function Optimization Algorithm Using Float Point Number Code 一种自适应多目标离散差分进化算法
I need the three number code on the back of the credit card to process any credit card order. 我需要再信用卡后面有三个数字代码,来处理信用卡命令。
The parameters include generator polynomial of component codes, interleave length and the type of interleavers, iterative decoding algorithms and iteration number, code rates and channel models et al. 这些参数主要包括分量码、交织长度和交织器类型、迭代译码算法和译码迭代次数、编码速率以及信道条件等。
Proposes a Genetic Algorithm with real number code, and discuses the selection of the key parameters. 提出了使用实数编码的遗传算法,并给出了关键参数的确定方法。
By adopting real number code programming, the genetic algorithms optimizing solving platform is developed. 采用实数编码的方式实现了遗传算法,并开发了遗传优化求解平台。
The initial weight values of neural network PID affected the performance of controller. A neural network PID controller optimized by a new improved Genetic Algorithim ( GA) based on the real number code is proposed in this paper. 根据神经网络初始权值的选取影响控制器性能的特点,提出了基于遗传算法优化参数的神经网络PID控制器,实现了基于实数编码的GA参数优化。
Designs a classification code system of ship machine parts scientifically describing information of various links of production system in the enterprises where GT is applied. The system includes drawing number code, identification code, management code, etc. 本文提出的船用机械零件分类编码系统能科学地描述推行成组技术企业生产系统各环节的信息,系统包括图号码、分类识别码、管理码几个部分。
A method of tire number code identification by using BP neutral network is introduced. 介绍了采用BP神经网络来进行轮胎胎号字符识别的一种尝试性方法。
Genetic Algorithm with Real Number Code and Application to Bevel Gear Optical Design 实码遗传算法在直齿圆锥齿轮传动优化设计中的应用
The Application of Two-dimensional Real Number Code GA in the Optimization of Common Cylindrical Worm Transmission 二维实数编码遗传算法在普通圆柱蜗杆传动优化设计中的应用
Selection of Mutation Probability of Floating-point Number Code Genetic Algorithm 浮点数编码遗传算法变异概率的选取
Tire Number Code Identification Based on Neural Network 基于神经网络的轮胎胎号字符识别
Finally, based on theory research, this dissertation programs a simulation program of resources optimum selection to verify the validity of the genetic algorithm with nature number code. 最后,本文根据一些相关的理论研究,编制一个资源优化选择模拟程序,验证采用自然数编码的遗传算法对于求解资源优化选择问题时的有效性。
The third one, with the genetic algorithm of nature number code, it selects the best combination of manufacturing resources based on the model of the adaptive value. 第三,在遗传算法中,提出引入自然数编码的方法,在此基础上,根据该模型进行优化,选择最佳的制造资源组合。
Since genetic algorithm with binary code is inefficient, for solving complex optimal design problem, this paper proposes genetic algorithm with real number code, and discuses the selection of the key parameters. 由于二进制编码的遗传算法在求解复杂优化问题时效率下降,本文提出了实数编码的遗传算法,并给出了主要参数的选取方法。
Then, introduced in detail based on the traditional code genetic algorithm with based on the topic number code genetic algorithm, in proposed based on in the topic number integer code genetic algorithm foundation based on not duplicates the knowledge genetic algorithm. 然后,详细介绍了基于传统编码的遗传算法与基于题号编码的遗传算法,在基于题号整数编码遗传算法的基础上提出了基于无重复知识点的遗传算法。
The fitness function that using real number code and linear scale change is adopted; the selection operator that combines the championship and the best individual is used; the mutation strategy that includes phases is adopted. 采用实数编码、线性尺度变化的适应度函数、锦标赛和最优个体相结合的选择算子、分阶段的变异策略。